County closer to $4 million firefighter grant

County commissioners Jim Renninger and Kristen Burke moved acceptance of the grant to the county commission’s October 11 consent agenda.

Grants Manager Megan Mosely told the two commissioners, acting as the budget and finance committee, that the $4 million federal grant would pay for 15 additional firefighters in the county.

Under questioning from Renninger, Fire Chief Lorin Mock said that the current grant does not have a matching requirement. However, in the past, the federal appropriation: Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response, known as the SAFER grant, did require a match from the county.

Renninger added that the 15 additional firefighters would help the county keep pace with growth.

“It really plays into our hand with the growth we are experiencing,” Renninger said, “and the requirement that we’re going to have to stand up more fire stations and more EMS-type workers.”