Putnam County librarian enticed Clay teen to send porn

A federal judge sentenced a former Putnam County librarian to nearly 22 years in prison for distributing child pornography.

Kurt Batucan Sheldon, 31, of Interlachen, was also ordered to serve a life term of supervised release and register as a sex offender.

According to court documents, the case was initiated when the parents of a minor female child reported to the Clay County Sheriff’s Office about sexually explicit messages being sent by an adult to their child on two different social media applications.

The adult referred to himself as “K t” and used the username “tacticfallout.” “K t” originally began communicating with the minor child on a social media application and represented himself as a male between 25-29 years of age.

The minor child told him that she was 15 years old. “K t,” told the minor child that his name was “Kurt” and that he lived in Putnam. The child told “Kurt” she lived with her parents and was in school.

Their conversation later moved to another social media platform, over which “K t” requested child sex abuse material—images and videos—from the minor child and directed the child on how to take the images and how to pose. Approximately 50 images and/or videos were sent to “K t” at his direction.

On September 4, 2020, Homeland Security Investigations agents, deputies, and detectives from the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office executed a search warrant at Sheldon’s residence. Sheldon admitted there would be child sexual abuse material on his electronic devices and that he was attracted to children. He also admitted to asking girls he met via online applications, whom he knew to be underage, to send him nude photographs, including a 15-year-old female. Forensic examination of his devices identified more than a thousand images and several hundred videos depicting child sex abuse.